I was recently asked to help do some FAA Safety Videos with aviation enthusiast and Country Star, Aaron Tippin!  FAA video crews used Fantasy of Flight as a backdrop over several days to film segments promoting aviation safety.  Aaron flew down from Nashville and spent about five hours with them narrating.  My part was with Aaron and took place in the Compass Rose Restaurant.  We had a lot of fun trying to act natural while trying to read the FAA script on the teleprompter.

Filming in the Compass Rose Restaurant

Aaron had been to Fantasy of Flight several years ago and gave Teresa, Katie and I some VIP passes to a concert he did over at the Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In several years ago after his visit.  I’ve since bumped into him at various aviation events.  I can’t wait to see how we did and hope we can make a difference!


Rough Concept for a Bottle Label

Believe it or not I’ve actually been blending my own private label rum lately.  I’ve always enjoyed drinking Dark Rum and Orange Juice and, many years ago, while Teresa and I were dating, I wrote a song on the beach in Negril, Jamaica called “Naked in Jamaica!”

I recorded a long, as well as a short version but have released neither.  The long version is twelve-minutes long but has a parody at the end using the song “Rawhide” which I have yet to get approval for.  I see the long version as an audio track for a film short one day but could release the short version as it’s all my material.  It may have Spring Break cult potential!

Here’s half of one of the chorus’s –

I’m Naked in Jamaica while I work upon my tan . . .

Refresh my drink, got time to think, and could while I still can.

The sun, the breeze, my drink, the view, I soak them all within . . .

It’s time to turn, so I won’t burn, and tan my tender skin!

Anyway, I decided I needed to come up with my own private label rum brand and just started learning about the whole process at a local distillery.  The first thing I learned is that it’s not a science . . . it’s an art!  Can life get any better!


We recently hosted a symposium with several Tuskegee Airmen at Fantasy of Flight in celebration of Black History month.  It was a great success and over the three-day event 500 school kids, as well as many adults, came out to hear their stories, ask questions, and get autographs.

With Roscoe Brown - 1st pilot ever to shoot down a German Me-262 Jet!

Flying "Ina the Macon Belle"

I flew the P-51C Mustang “Ina the Macon Belle” all three days, which is painted in the colors of Lee Archer, the highest scoring Tuskegee pilot.  Lee was looking forward to coming down for the event but fell ill three weeks prior and passed away.  His story was covered on many of the National news stations and he was buried with full-military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.  Lee was a great friend and, while he will be surely missed, his story and the story of the Tuskegee Airmen will continue to live on at Fantasy of Flight!


WWI DH-4 on display in Fantasy of Flight Hangar

Our second DH-4 arrived recently, which concludes a trade I made several years ago.  This new addition was built from original plans and represents the only American-built airplane to see action in the First World War.  It was of British design but used an American 400hp Liberty engine.

This is our second DH-4, the first being a rebuilt original DH-4 Mailplane that has been at Fantasy of Flight on display in the Wood Shop for several years now. Part of the trade included several airplane projects I had that were duplicates and supplying 3 static Liberty engines from the many in the collection.  During the engine build-up process, we set aside enough good parts for two runnable engines, as we intend to fly both aircraft.  Unfortunately, we have plenty to do before turning our attention to the DeHavillands but, at least, they are both currently on display until we do!


Just thought I’d show a few shots of some impressive Heli-ski landing spots from my recent trip to the Cariboos in the Canadian Rockies.  The Helicopter is basically your chair lift and you ski with a guide that is familiar with the territory, which usually encompasses about 25 square miles of terrain.  We had a good week and left just in time as the snow conditions began to get a bit dicey.


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