Got a chance to go to the annual Living Legends of Aviation again.

Shot taken from my table at the Gala, which is held at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, CA
They always have a pre-party the night before and this year it was in a big hangar at the Van Nuys airport with many of the latest jets on display. One day!
I got a chance to catch up with an old friend, Cliff Robertson, a famous Oscar winning actor for his role in Charlie. I first met cliff when he visited my museum in Miami in the late 1980’s. After showing him around, I took him up in my original WWI Avro 504 with a rotary engine! He never forgot me! I later got to spend even more time with him when he became the first Chairman of the EAA Young Eagles Program.

Cliff and I at Pre-Legends Party!
He also starred with our DeHavilland Mosquito in the films Mosquito Squadron and 633 Squadron and used to own a Stearman, a Spitfire, and a Messerschmidt 108!

On the cutting edge of trend . . . or hopelessly behind the times? Actually, just being ourselves!
I couldn’t believe he had started growing a ponytail so I couldn’t resist taking a picture from of us behind! I think we were the only ones at the party with ponytails! It’s great to hook up with old friends and meet new ones.
It was a great event and it’s fun enjoying the glamor and the glitz!

You never know who you might run into!
And sitting at the table next to me . . . Harrison Ford and his wife Calista Flockhart! I first met them, and got to know Harrison when he was the third Chairman of the Young Eagles Program while being on the Board of the EAA. He’s an avid flyer and enjoys flying his Husky, Bell Jet Ranger helicopter and Cessna Sovereign.
Looking forward to next year!